Backend Interface
MonitoredQuantumCircuits.jl allows you to integrate additional backends, including simulators or quantum devices. To streamline this process, it is recommended to create a dedicated module for each backend and import the required methods and types from MonitoredQuantumCircuits.jl into the module’s namespace.
Create a Backend Type
Define a type MyBackend <: Simulator
if your backend is a simulator, or MyBackend <: QuantumComputer
if it represents a quantum device. This type primarily serves to dispatch the execute
function and does not require attributes unless necessary for your implementation.
Define a Quantum Circuit Type
Develop a type specific to your backend for representing quantum circuits (e.g., MyCircuit
). This type encapsulates all the information required for backend execution and enables the dispatch of the apply!
method for each operation.
Implement apply!
Define apply!
methods for every operation your backend supports. For instance:
Example for a Hadamard Operation (H
function apply!(::MyCircuit, ::H, position::Integer)
# Backend-specific logic for applying a Hadamard gate
Example for a Parity Measurement (ZZ
function apply!(::MyCircuit, ::ZZ, p1::Integer, p2::Integer, p3::Integer)
# Backend-specific logic for applying a Z-basis parity measurement
You can add additional parameters to the apply!
method if required for specific operations. Just make sure to call the function correctly from execute
Implement the execute
Define the execute
method to manage execution, whether by simulation or interaction with a quantum device’s API.
function execute(circuit::FiniteDepthCircuit, ::MyBackend)
# Instantiate a MyCircuit object
mycircuit = MyCircuit()
# Apply operations from the circuit
for operation in circuit
apply!(mycircuit, operation[1], operation[2]...)
# Additional execution logic, if necessary
The execute
function initializes a circuit object of type MyCircuit
and applies gates using the apply!
methods you have implemented. Repeat this process for every circuit type your backend supports.
Here is a complete example:
module MyBackendModule
import MonitoredQuantumCircuits: Simulator, FiniteDepthCircuit, apply!, execute
struct MyBackend <: Simulator end
# Define the circuit type (can reuse types from other packages if applicable)
struct MyCircuit
# Attributes to represent the circuit
# Implement apply! methods
function apply!(::MyCircuit, ::ZZ, p1::Integer, p2::Integer, p3::Integer)
# Logic for Z-basis parity measurement with p1, p2, and ancilla p3
# Implement execute
function execute(circuit::FiniteDepthCircuit, ::MyBackend)
mycircuit = MyCircuit()
for operation in circuit
apply!(mycircuit, operation[1], operation[2]...)