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Operation Interface

Adding custom operation to the MonitoredQuantumCircuits.jl framework is also possible. I can however be a bit tricky since you have to be familiar with every backend that should support your new operation.

The basics

Independent of which backend you would like to support the operation, you need to implement a few functions. Firstly, you need to implement a type MyOperation<:Operation or MyOperation<:MeasurementOperation if your operation includes measurements. Next, there are some basic interfaces that the circuit construction logic relies on. Thus, please implement the following methods for your operation:

  • nQubits(::MyOperation)

  • isClifford(::MyOperation)

  • connectionGraph(::MyOperation)

  • plotPositions(::MyOperation)

  • color(::MyOperation)

  • isAncilla(::MyOperation, qubit::Integer)

For each backend

For each backend that should support this operation, implement the apply! method.


Here is an example how one could implement the Id (identity) gate:

import MonitoredQuantumCircuits: Operation, nQubits, isClifford, connectionGraph, plotPositions, color, isAncilla
import MonitoredQuantumCircuits: Graphs
import MonitoredQuantumCircuits: Qiskit
import MonitoredQuantumCircuits: QuantumClifford
import MonitoredQuantumCircuits: apply!
struct Id <: Operation end

nQubits(::Id) = 1
isClifford(::Id) = true
connectionGraph(::Id) = Graphs.path_graph(1)
plotPositions(::Id) = [(0.0,0.0)]
color(::Id) = "#FFFFFF"
isAncilla(::Id, ::Integer) = false

function apply!(qc::Qiskit.QuantumCircuit, ::Id, pos::Integer) - 1)
function apply!(qc::QuantumClifford.QC.Register, ::Id, pos::Integer)
    QuantumClifford.QC.apply!(qc, QuantumClifford.QC.sId1(p))